Have you ever faced a problem finding which creatives have better results than others in your campaign? And then you get confused and don’t know how to decide which creatives are better than others.
You will rarely find online courses or webinars that teach how to create proper naming conventions for your ads.
In this article, I will show you how to create a Facebook ad naming convention and why you should implement it in your campaign.
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Why it is important
An ad naming convention is a system for consistently naming your ad campaigns, adsets, and ads. This is important for several reasons:
- It makes it easy to find and manage your ads.
- Quickly locate and analyze specific ads and ad sets.
- It lets you quickly identify which ads are performing well and which need improvement.
- Streamline the process of A/B testing and optimization
Creating Facebook Ad Naming Convention
Here are the best practices to start creating a naming convention
- Identify the key elements of your ads. These elements include the campaign objective, target audience, ad format, or products.
- Decide the separator, and choose a consistent separator character (underscore, hyphens, pipe) to separate the elements in your ads.
- Use a spreadsheet to organize and make the naming creation easier.
- Be consistent in naming conventions across all campaigns, adsets, and ads.
Example of Naming Convention
To illustrate how this works, here are a few examples of Facebook ad names using the naming convention:
Level Campaign
Here is another sample of elements you can use in your campaign
Level Adset/Adgroup
US_1% LLA_21–35_Advantage+_HighVolume
Here is another sample of elements you can use in your adsets or adgroup
Level Ads
And here is another sample of elements you can use in ads level
What is the page path URL? A page path URL is the part of a web address that comes after the domain name.
The page path URL is:
- /shoes/
- /air-force-1
and you can use the last path URL as your element in the naming convention.
How to use the naming convention to Track ad performance
In this case, I want to know which location performs better in my campaign. I want to compare the location between ZONE1 and ZONE2.
Here is another example of when I want to see the performance between one offer and another.
See, tracking our ad performance is much easier if we implement the naming convention in our ads.
Creating and consistently implementing a proper ad naming convention for your ads is essential for any digital marketer. It helps us to organize, track, and optimize our campaigns, allowing us to achieve better results with less effort. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to organized and successful advertising campaigns.